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Non Renewable Energy

Non renewable energies are the ways to get energy from a source of exhaustible energy. The concept of non-renewable energy is taken into account at the level of the human life, since certain processes, such as the accumulation of carbon, have needed up to five hundred million years.

In General, renewable energy is consumed not some sort of fuel (oil, coal, uranium). While renewable energy sources use other sources of energy (solar radiation, the kinetic energy of the wind, hydroelectric, tidal movement, etc.). Although strictly speaking some fuel in the near future, may be renewable raw materials as for example hydrogen are considered.

Solar energy uses the radiation produced by the Sun. The Sun has a limited life, but this life is so many millions of years that it applies in the human scale as inexhaustible. For this reason, solar power cannot be classified as non-renewable solar energy.

Definition of non-renewable energy

Define in general we tended not renewable energy than energy sources to be exhausted, too expensive or to always pollute the environment, in contrast to renewable energies replenished are of course in a relatively short period of time.

Non-renewable energy sources

There are two types of non-renewable (or exhaustible) energy sources:

  • Conventional non-renewable energy sources. These are fossil fuels: coal, oil and natural gas , and chemical reactions between certain materials (batteries). In this case, it comes to fossil fuels.
  • Not Convention Elle non-renewable energy sources. These energy sources come from biofuels, agrofuels, nuclear fuel (uranium and plutonium), which are used in nuclear power plants or cultured fuels.

Geothermal energy is generally considered a renewable energy, but there is a certain type of geothermal energy, which uses hot water, in certain places also non-renewable energy.

Fossil energy

Fossil energy is not renewable energy. We refer to fossil energy on energy produced by fossil fuels. The main sources of fossil fuels are coal, oil and natural gas. These resources are called conventional fossil-fuel resources, unlike fossil fuels, which are referred to as unconventional. Fossil-fuel resources not be not Convention Elle in its current form presents and are available in hard-to-reach deposits.

Non-renewable resources

The concept of non-renewable energy is closely connected with the non-renewable resources. Nonrenewable resources are those resources that the consumption rate is higher than the rate of production. Non-renewable resources include renewable energies, but also materials and minerals.

Fossil fuels, such as coal, are non-renewable minerals with which non-renewable energy is extracted.

Minerals and ores of the Earth

Terrestrial minerals and metallic minerals are examples of non-renewable resources. The metals themselves are present in great quantities in the Earth’s crust and their extraction is done by people only if they are concentrated by natural geological processes (such as heat – heat energy-, pressure, organic activity, weathering and other processes). be that of economical to extract. These processes need usually tens of thousands to millions of years.

Localized deposits of near surface metallic minerals which are economically mined, can not renewable in human time. There are certain minerals and rare earths, which are scarce and exhaustive than others. These materials have a high demand in the industry, particularly for electronics.

The most metallic minerals are considered easier to deliver much than fossil fuels, because the conditions for the formation of fossil fuels are limited and more difficult as the conditions for the formation of metallic minerals.

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